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Über uns

2016 startete die Codingschule als Initiative, um einen kleinen Beitrag zu Bildungsgerechtigkeit und Diversität in der Technologiebranche zu leisten. Mittlerweile gehören wir zu den etabliertesten Anbietern in Deutschland und bieten ein umfangreiches technisches Bildungsangebot über alle Altersgruppen hinweg.

task management _ teamwork, working together, team, group, people, carry, tasks, cooperati


Codingschule ist eine Initiative der gemeinnützigen Bildungsunternehmens tech & teach.  Unser Bildungsangebot richtet sich insbesondere an unterrepräsentierte Personengruppen. 


Etwaige Gewinne verwenden wir zur Erfüllung unseres gemeinnützigen Gesellschaftszwecks: Menschen unabhängig von ihrer sozioökonomischen Herkunft Zugang zu Bildung geben, die in der digitalisierten Welt erforderlich ist.

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Unser Selbstanspruch

Our lessons are carefully prepared and tested several times by a diverse and highly qualified team of technicians and educators. We do not have frontal teaching: our teachers are called trainers because the participants are the doers who work towards their learning goals. 

Unsere Werte

Our lessons are carefully prepared and tested several times by a diverse and highly qualified team of technicians and educators. We do not have frontal teaching: our teachers are called trainers because the participants are the doers who work towards their learning goals. 

Dein Lernerlebnis

Our lessons are carefully prepared and tested several times by a diverse and highly qualified team of technicians and educators. We do not have frontal teaching: our teachers are called trainers because the participants are the doers who work towards their learning goals. 

Dein Erfolg

Our lessons are carefully prepared and tested several times by a diverse and highly qualified team of technicians and educators. We do not have frontal teaching: our teachers are called trainers because the participants are the doers who work towards their learning goals. 

Unsere Wirkung

Unser Engagement und seine Wirkung halten wir in einem jährlichen Wirkungsbericht fest. Die Berichte stehen zum Download bereit. 

ecology _ gardening, agriculture, farming, watering, water, plants, flower, flowers.png
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